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Manage MyPurolator > Manage Accounts

On the Manage Accounts page, you have the ability to add/edit/delete the account numbers listed in your Profile.

Accounts - Add
Manage MyPurolator > Manage Accounts

  1. Select the ADD ACCOUNT button.
  2. Complete the information in the mandatory fields, Account #, Account Name, Contact Name and Phone Number. The Ext. and Cost Centre fields are optional.
  3. Click on the SAVE button.
  4. Your additional account is now added to your account table.

Accounts - Edit
Manage MyPurolator > Manage Accounts

  1. Click on an Account number in the 'Account #' column that you wish to edit.
  2. Overwrite the information you wish to change and click on the SAVE button.

Accounts - Delete
Manage MyPurolator > Manage Accounts

  1. Click on an Account number in the 'Account #' column you wish to delete.
  2. Click the DELETE button to delete the account.
  3. Your additional account is now removed from your account table. (Note: You cannot delete the account you originally used to register for E-Ship Online)