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Troubleshoot Import Errors
  • I can't find my personal address book application in your list of available import formats.
    While we are continuously working on expanding our list of available address book formats for direct import, you may still be able to import your personal address book in one of the following ways:
    1. Export your personal address book files to Microsoft OutlookTM first (if Microsoft OutlookTM supports the format; please consult your user documentation). You can then import these addresses into Online Shipping as part of the Microsoft OutlookTM address-book.

  • What does this Import Error sign mean?
    The Import Error icon means that an address record has been imported, but lacks certain information. To correct it, please click on on the respective address in your address book, make sure all required fields have the required information and click SAVE. The Import Error icon should now turn into this Select icon, allowing you to use the address in Online Shipping.

  • Why were certain rows not imported?
    Depending on the formatting and mapping of addresses done in the application you are importing from, fields may have been added that are not recognized, or required fields may be missing completely. We suggest the following two options to correct these errors:
    1. You review the suggested row-numbers in the import file, correct the fields and import the corrected ones only
    2. You re-create the import-file with the application you are importing from, making sure that all the fields are named appropriately, and import the complete address book file again. Once you have successfully imported it, duplicates can be deleted individually in the address book.

  • Purolator's import instructions were not completely accurate: I couldn't find the button you suggested to click on for instructions.
    First, please make sure you select the correct application from the drop-down menu in Step 1 of the Import process, as the instructions are different depending on the target application. We have suggested the instructions based on the available information from manufacturers in mid-2002. Undocumented updates, service-upgrades, etc. may affect details of the way the process works. We suggest you keep your application user-guide handy.
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